Aisha was the beloved wife of the Prophet (PBUH) for the last 9 years of his life. Angel Gabriel shown the Prophet a piece of green silk with her picture on and said "she is your wife in this world and the next."
Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr. She already had a vast religious knowledge from a very young age. This knowledge grew with time and she became one of the most knowledgeable people in Islam.
She married the Prophet (PBUH) when she was just 9 years old. She would often have her friends round and they would play together. When the Prophet (PBUH) used to be there, she would send them away but he would bring them back. He realized how important it was for her to have her friends there to accompany her.
Aisha had an exceptional memory, she was very knowledgeable and observant. The reason why we know such a lot about the Prophet's life is because of Aisha. She absorbed everything in around her so that even in later life, after the Prophet had passed away, she was able to talk about how he lived his life and share the knowledge she had learned.
Aisha helped to preserve and protect the Sunnah. She embodied it herself and she taught it to everyone around her. She described the Prophet (PBUH) as "the Qu'ran walking", which means that his behaviour was the Qu'ran in action, because of this, she tried her best to follow the same way all of her life. Aisha not only followed the Sunnah but she also learned and recited the whole Qu'ran. She not only recited it but she also fully understood it as well.
When the Prophet went to fight Banu al-Mustaliq, Aisha traveled with him. Aisha was a very delicate, slim woman, so that when she was inside her tent and the men picked it up, they would not know if she was inside or not. She had gone for some privacy, when she dropped her necklace. She retraced her steps in order to find it. When she went back to the camp, she found that the party had moved on. She was a true believer of ALLAH so she was patient because she knew ALLAH would send someone to come and get her. A young man, Safwan Ibn al Mu'attal soon passed by and he took her back to the camp. At this point a lot of people started to gossip that she had been alone with a man. The strain affected the Prophet and his household so much so that Aisha became ill as she sensed he did not care for her like he used too. When she knew about what people had been saying about her, she became even more ill and asked permission to stay with her parents. The Prophet asked her servant if the allegations were true and her servant replied that Aisha is pure as gold. He also asked his wife Zaynab if he believed they were true and she said there is nothing but good that comes from Aisha. The Prophet went to Abu Bakr's house where he found Aisha has been crying non-stop. He told her "If you are innocent then ALLAH himself will protect your honour, and if there was a lapse on your part then repent to ALLAH and he will accept your repentance." Aisha said to him "If I were to say to you that I was innocent then you would not believe me. If I were to confess to something and ALLAH knows I am innocent you would believe me. By ALLAH I can only say what the father of Yusuf said "Patience is beautiful and ALLAH is my protection against what you describe" (Qu'ran 12:18). With this she turned over and had full trust in ALLAH that he will protect her. It was on this that the Prophet (PBUH) received revelations that Aisha was innocent. Her parents told her to thank the Prophet (PBUH) but she said I will thank ALLAH as it is he who has protected my honour.
Aisha forgave all of the people who slandered against her and would not hear of anything bad against them even later on in life.
One time, the Prophet's wives asked him for more money, which he did not have and this made him very sad. Thus began the month of separation, where he stayed away from his wives for a month. After the month was over he went to Aisha first. She was very pleased to see him. He told her he had something for her to decide and before she did she should consult her parents. He then recited: O Prophet, say to your wives: ‘If you desire the life of this world and its adornments, then come, and I will make you content, and I will release you with a fair release. But if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the abode of the next world, then truly Allah has prepared an immense reward for those of you who do good.’ (Quran 33:28-29). She told him that she does not need to consult her parents because of course she will choose ALLAH and his Messenger and the abode of the next world.
Aisha was extremely generous and kind. She was once given 100,000 dirhams, which she immediately gave to the poor. Her maid asked her why didn't she save at least 100 dirhams to have meat as they didn't have any food. Aisha replied that she did not think about it and not to worry. That night meat arrived for them to eat.
Aisha was one of the four people who have transmitted over two thousand hadiths due to her marriage with the Prophet (PBUH) for she was so close to him, she was able to pass that knowledge on and she did right up until she passed away.
We learn that Aisha is extremely knowledgeable. She absorbed everything around her, recited Qu'ran until she understood it's meaning as well as knowing the verses. She carried out the sunnah as the Prophet had done so that everyone around her would follow and she taught it as well. The Prophet himself said that people were to learn about the Deen from her. She took Islam very seriously and she was devoted to Islam.
She was such a devout servant to ALLAH that she did not worry when she was left alone in the desert and even when people slandered against her she knew that ALLAH would protect her despite the hard times it caused. She also choose a simple, hard life with the Prophet in order to get the best life in the next abode rather than give it all up for the richness of this life.
Aisha was extremely generous and did not think twice about giving her money to the poor. Even when she had nothing herself, she would give to the poor.
Aisha was an incredibly strong, well-learned, knowledgeable woman. She knew such a lot about the religion and she practiced it as well.
She shows us the importance of knowledge and learning. It is not enough to just pray and make dua. We must learn about our religion. We must develop a deep understanding of what it means and not just take it at face value. She shows us how we should live our life in a simple non-materialistic way. The most important thing whilst we are on Earth is to strive for Akhira and not dunya. Whilst it can be sometimes hard to keep this in mind, we must try and live like this. She also shows us how we should be so generous and kind to those less fortunate than ourselves even if we do not have much ourselves.
May ALLAH be pleased with Sayeda Aisha and may we follow her as much as we can so that ALLAH can be pleased with us too.